Cyclone is not a phenomenon of the annual floods. It is mild and many other cyclone cyclone in 1994 as a flood. We, 29 to 30 April 1970, suffered a severe cyclone disaster of the world's largest '10 tough on the night of 1991. This can take place at any time at any place. The cyclone, if in the Bay of Bengal in general, it is caused by deep depression as described above, in the month Baishakh and Chaitra, it is the most terrible. The ocean and waves poars high gingerly. ragingly river surge. Towards the coast, cyclone sea-derived, coastal belt rush hour at a rate of 150 kg. It usually strikes northwest Chittagong, Noakhali, Barisal, Khulna and south. The Kutubdia, for example, the worst hit area is an island offshore. 40 000 10 000 rupees death, cyclone described above, was the cause of the chaos of massive damage to private property and lifeline systems. Crop standing crop of all, animal husbandry, forestry, and fish, Boro paddy is hit with betel leaf most jute, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and spices, - were in the agricultural sector is the most extensive devastation. Export Processing Zone in Chittagong, was struck badly, accounting for 14.74% total extent of damage in the industry. Industry of the public sector, including the forest Development Corporation of Bangladesh gave birth to the devastation of 81% to private industry when he suffered the rest. It was estimated total loss was a 2.7 billion US $ about. Ceasing generation of cyclone Both can control the violent motion we. Our early warning system of restoration survived conservation preparation lifeline service of community, restoration and reconstruction, the long-term measures, evacuation, rescue and search, first aid, and public health services, quick response and an effort to improve the quality of concrete with, such as coastal aforestation has been to reduce the impact of disasters.
Internal and foreign aid and in-kind cash was a major necessity in a cyclone of 1991 was also very poor obviously. In coastal areas, the suffering of several million people destitutes fewer resources and helpless, was to Specifically, it is not considered. The people did not have nothing to withstand the loss over time of loss of income and home. The most distressing was the pain of malnutritious children and women of body weight. However, they did not abandon the place to make a living there is a possibility that can not be in other parts of the densely populated countries of us. Is it possible to think that everyone will give a little credit to trifle terrible predicament they to them? Caregivers Dolls and meaningless credit, gave it in order to make them more miserable when not agitated.
Policy indicated by the last line of the previous para has been pursued with respect to erosion and river flood or natural disaster cyclone weather. The catastrophe of all these, is the poor who suffer most. It does not occur as a loss as the cyclone flood. Havocs is well above all the way to the more frequent occurrence of flooding by, nevertheless. From time to time, in 1998 we, the Flood, appears unexpectedly. There are remarkable damages from the most destructive small still, also, the order of the middle. In our country, was a large country with enormous harmful effects of flooding, such as in 2002. The flood, normal activities are suspended. The affected areas of flooding in particular, Bangladesh is the central north, northeast, east, and south. Composed of 35 districts, people of more than 3.5 million people were affected directly indirectly, areas across the country it. And, it is representative of many of the character of flood all of the results that flood situation occurs, the cause.
There are so many side effects. There was a break in the snap communication and road culverts, bridges and. Fish pond of 70 of Dhaka Chittagong highway was washed away. It is estimated that 1042 bridge and culverts and damaged 17,013 km of road, at 184 upazillas the country. According to the report of the central flood control cell, there was damage to the educational institutions and the 3866 religion. Price of necessities has risen to flood. Flood victims were evacuated to shelters 18 temporary. 622 254 dwellings were damaged. There was a serious shortage of pure drinking water wells many as submerged in the flood. Many died of snake bite, there were deaths by some electric shock. There was a water born diseases, especially the occurrence of the disease a few. Diarrhea broke out in epidemic in the Rangamati Hill district and Nilphamari. Crescent and Bangladesh Red Cross has provided a 1 LAC5 ten thousand refugees food, drug, and medical care. 56 Rupee hawk has been distributed to flood victims. There was a violation and erosion of the river many of the dam and dike. I damaged embankment 4561, according to the central flood report. Erosion devoured about two hundred bridges. The erosion of the Jamuna, erosion of joint dam in India and Bangladesh, many of the embankment in Kaliganj border and Padma erosion and Meghna in Chandpur protection embankment threatened system Raj Ganj Town protection seawall project by damaging the solid spur and groin It is a case of some other infringement and erosion of the river, destruction of paddy fields of the dam, worth about 800 million rupees was a loss huge very different vegetables and nursery Their 100 and jute. That the main brunt of the flood fell in agriculture villagers and it is clear. Had the same apparent deficiencies and relief.
Cause of flooding are: 1) Bangladesh, a single for the water to come from countries in the basin of the upper China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, such as 11 times larger than its catchment area Bangladesh 2 rain and 3) early monsoon from across the rain border unremitting is exit) and the torrent of flood hills and water preliminary report of scientists 4) UNEP fall in rapid, almost all around our country According to the, pollution is the result of a brown haze of Asia is a scientific term for the vast blanket alluvial deposits 6) residence, frequent floods in Bangladesh and severity, the river for farmland and business by erosion 7) violation of the river) stretched the river silt in South Asia that affect the rainfall pattern in the downstream area of the entire Himalayan 5 to bed. We are absolutely powerless to number 2 and 3. In order to achieve most of the extremely difficult task, after considerate best understood all interest, we are powerless alike 4 alone for the one but both sides is possible. Most is done in the case of a 5 - and 6. River erosion can be embankment, reduced by dam and weir. In spite of it, they are not foolproof as we have seen. Many of them are needed here.
To change the border village, union, upazillas, with the district have changed the scene of erosion mighty river, as that change the climate. And several million people rulal population of homeless who do not have the land by eating several million hectares of land, erosion of them renders the slum dwellers. River still is active. In six villages of Munshiganj village of Daulatpur and Chilmari union of Kushtia, and disappeared in March from February to 2004. River swallowed the arable land number 16 hectares Northern District a few years ago. The rest of the union and Ramkrishnapur Chilmari are trying that it sank. Residents in the area, said erosion of the Padma river, rise of a serious shortage of water of Ganges Kopotakhya project within the land of huge sand and was due to Farakka barrage across the border. Register erosion damage the Padma erosion and Maghna of Chandpur embankment Comilla town, and solid spur and groin, threatening the Jamuna erosion threatening the Sirajganj town seawall project by erosion of joint dam in India and Bangladesh at Kaliganj border - of many rivers erosion were several of the cases, violation of dams and embankments during floods. According to the flood control center report, embankment of 4500 km has been damaged. Instance of erosion thrust, as previously demonstrated that it is cause by the withdrawal of the low water level of the river water, and flood us. Bangladesh to control the river, I do not have a flood entering the holding back of the territorial waters of India and its territory. In this situation, we are forced to build a levee, which is a fool-proof against erosion also with a huge spending dam and barrage.
We can not take measures some cyclone, flood, river erosion against, but none against earthquake. What we also, is the magnitude of the tremor on the Richter scale can not be how to intense and large, be said to destination when it is happening. We can be recorded only after the occurrence. Magnitude, epicenter, etc. We can expect that to be in the earthquake fault zone in Bangladesh, it is carried out in any area. In the eastern region, including Chittagong and Sylhet, is a zone of high risk, south-west section of all is the least dangerous. We have experienced a mild earthquake in Dhaka on the magnitude of 3.82 on the Richter scale in December 2001. There is a shake for a few seconds often overlooked. Even so, in this study have recently predicted earthquake along the Himalayas including Bangladesh. In Dhaka, expert opinion, is that it is one of earthquake country most of the world's 20 and. The size of the Richter scale 8 or more, if there is a late-night earthquake of any person of the lac of three will die at least in the larger cities. Us to build a building we do not start the campaign vigorously for the spread of the fire exit and we do not follow building codes. We have a machine obsolete observatory center of Chittagong only. In view of the conditions of professional and Observatory our prediction, unite to make you now live in great anxiety tension we all.
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